Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Revolution (Relaunch) is a revisionary, radical, and creative resurgence of the weekly women’s...

The Revolution (Relaunch) is a revisionary, radical, and creative resurgence of the weekly women’s rights newspaper founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (1868-1872), which was the official publication of the National Woman Suffrage Association. Though based in Phoenix, AZ, we are not limited in scope or vision—geographic, demographic, or otherwise.


Fashion a mask out of old TV tubes and your grandma’s cotton underpants.

Take a picnic to the bomb shelter and watch the latest press briefing on your iphone.

Try to believe that an uprising is still possible, that the piles of garbage can be toppled

like a rotten regime.

Dream up a futuristic cocktail garnished with crystals from the polar ice caps.

Try to imagine what it would feel like to be trapped inside a story against your will, the madness of living without agency, the loneliness of a life on paper. How you might wake up three months from now and realize that you drowned yourself years ago.

Draw a picture of a peacock after an atomic blast. Ask yourself where the colors have gone. Who will be there to advertise the soda and the hand cream? Who will solve the riddle?

Stop wondering where god has gone because the answer is in the particles that we can no longer breathe, the ones that are devouring the lining of our lungs, delicate and pink like the skin of a newborn.

from Tumblr https://samheydt.tumblr.com/post/616651178157162496

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SAW DUST Sam Heydt https://ift.tt/2GXEeMr

SAW DUST Sam Heydt https://ift.tt/2GXEeMr from Tumblr https://samheydt.tumblr.com/post/629435215743434752